Thursday, October 18, 2012


Adaptive:  I can easily adapt to any kind of work environment whether it is in person or through multimedia.

Vocal:  Not afraid to speak ones opinion tactfully.  Benefits group work by enabling neutral control spread across all members equally.

Determination: Possess great self determination to achieve group goals and deadlines in a timely manner.

Creative:  Able to suggest out of the box ideas to help brainstorm topics and scenarios to work through.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


When asked to recall a time in your life when you suppressed or censored feelings in you life a period in my life comes to mind.  I can remember early on in my relationship with my wife prior to being married.  There would be many of times when I would let her win an argument because I was worried that if I continued to argue things might get said by either party which could result in the ending of our relationship.  This would usually result in an apology toward me after the conflict which I would assume because I appeared to be the pacifist.  I never would look the gift horse in the mouth when it came to the apologies though.  After our relationship grew and we were later married I knew that we would never separate based solely on a verbal argument.  I became less passive and more direct with my arguments.  In most cases the argument would end in a stalemate with a reconciliation afterwards when cooler heads prevailed.  Both sides would see there wrongs and a peaceful adult conversation could take place with a mutual consensus occurring afterwards.  I'd like to believe that a relationship that lacks a little chaos now and again is susceptible to fracture because of a lack of communication.  The truth should never be left out of an argument however hurtful things should be.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


After watching the TED talk video on listening I was rather amazed at what little I may be listening to others around me.  The main message that the author of the video is trying to get across is that we have lost the ability to properly listen to sounds or other people around us.  Since the development of writing, audio and visual recording devices the importance of listening and properly retaining what is said has declined.  I completely agree with what the author is saying.  The amount of everyday noise, constant distractions around us, prove for it to be hard at times to clearly listen to what  is being said.  Personally, I find it hard to listen to my wife when the kids are running around, the dog is barking and the phone is ringing.  The listening exercises that I preformed where the silence technique out on my deck while having coffee and trying to pick out individual sounds in a noisy setting.  Sitting in silence or lack of noises also combined with picking out individual sounds.  Being outside where it is generally quiet provides a great venue for picking out individual sounds.  I must have heard six different birds, trucks in the distance, chainsaws, horns, squirrels etc.  I think just by taking a second or two to step outside when there is excessive noise around really helps to clear your head and make listening a lot easier to follow.