Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hip Hop Nation

After reading the article "Hip Hop Nation" it became clear to me where many of the "urbanized" words that you hear today came from.  I find it interesting that many of the words created by African Americans were words that were created to help explain the troubles that they were currently feeling at the time.  This is interesting to me because in the present the only new words that I can think of that have been created are Black language words.  The black hip hop culture seems to me very eloquent in the introduction of these new words through their music that they create.  After reading the article something that I learned that I had not known before was that in the slave days, most slaves where not allowed to play drums because the drums where used as a way of communication or a way to excite other slaves just like the college bands do at football games.  Some information that I would find intriguing is whats is the process in developing new words or phrases.  How do you put a certain emphasis on a word if it has never been heard before and get it to become frequently used and popular.  In the future when I hear new words coming from the "urban" language I will actually give it some thought as to what were the circumstances that called for the new creation of the word and what is the context that it is being used in.  Instead of just thinking that the word was made up because it rhymed with other words I will take into account why it was created.

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