Friday, November 2, 2012

Generation Y

I belong to the generation that is known as Generation Y.  Some characteristics, beliefs and values of my generation whether they are considered admirable or not are increased narcissism,  a strong sense of community both global and local, sense of entitlement, and rejections of social conventions.  Of all the stigmas that are associated with my generation I would have to agree that I would fall under the rejection of social norms.  From a very young age I would do what pleased me at the time and would not follow what most peers before me were doing in the forms of fashion, fads and entertainment.  It never made sense to me to do what others thought was popular at the time if I wasn't comfortable with it.  One morning during my final year of high school I watched the planes fly into the WTC.  At the moment of impact I remember thinking to myself..."I'm going to war."  It was as simple as that.  I pictured every military aged male lining up at the recruiters office itching to get behind a trigger in some far off land like had happened after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.  There were three people including me from my graduating class of 250 students that had signed up for military service.  Personally, I felt betrayed by my generation.  You would often hear conversation saying,"If they don't force me into service I'm not going because they have other people to do that job for us."  That's when it hit me,  I was no longer part of Generation Y but rather part of Generation entitlement.  I believe that my current generation is much more lazier than previous generations and that we are expected to receive what is coming to us without putting forth an actual effort to achieve our goals or dreams.  I'm not sure if it was the accelerated rate of technology at the time that had decreased the actual amount of physical work demanded to get the job done or the liberal policies of the government but I will be the first to point out that the effort put forth on the path to achievement has decreased considerably.

1 comment:

  1. I just read this now, a year later. I have no wordds, although I admire you more and more everyday
