Sunday, December 2, 2012

Nelson Mandela

The reason I chose Nelson Mandela for my speech topic is because I personally beleive that a man that is willing to spend the vast majority of his life fighting for something that he beleives in should receive recongnition.  Mr. Mandela has spent close to 27 years in prison for a fight against civil injustices that I beleive every white person takes for granted.  I myself have never been segregated upon or have lived in a country that has had strict policies on segregation unlike Mr. Mandela.  The actions that he has taken to free South Africa from apatheid is honorable and just.  i have nothing but the upmost respect for the man and his sacrifices.


Nelson Mandela has and will be known as a hero in the war of segregation and racism throughout the ages, and his story will most definitely be told time and time again.

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