Thursday, December 13, 2012

Speech Critique

After watching my video of my speech I can appropriately make a couple of critiques of myself.  I thought after watching the video that I could have made more eye contact with the audience.  Since, I was using note cards I had none to little hand gestures used.  There were a couple of awkward pauses that were made because I had lost my spot reading off of the note cards and the individual recording was making hand gestures indicating to me how many minutes had gone by.  I believe that I had good vocal clarity and volume throughout the speech.  During the research of my speech I had used good reputable sources and did cite those sources throughout the speech.  The information was organized well but I do believe that I should have made more lengthy pauses during the transition points to make it clear to the listener that there was a shift in topics being covered.  I felt prior to my speech that I was adequately prepared but it seemed no matter how many times I had rehearsed my speech to myself, the nervousness kicked in and all the practice for my speech went out the window.  I feel overall that the speech went well.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Nelson Mandela

The reason I chose Nelson Mandela for my speech topic is because I personally beleive that a man that is willing to spend the vast majority of his life fighting for something that he beleives in should receive recongnition.  Mr. Mandela has spent close to 27 years in prison for a fight against civil injustices that I beleive every white person takes for granted.  I myself have never been segregated upon or have lived in a country that has had strict policies on segregation unlike Mr. Mandela.  The actions that he has taken to free South Africa from apatheid is honorable and just.  i have nothing but the upmost respect for the man and his sacrifices.


Nelson Mandela has and will be known as a hero in the war of segregation and racism throughout the ages, and his story will most definitely be told time and time again.